Programme Overview

About Us

CVMD consists of 16 full time faculty members and 5 faculty members with adjunct appointments from National Heart Center Singapore.

CVMD Research Focus

Our aim is to carry out research in areas that address the clustering of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia 
and cardiovascular disease, which are epidemic in Singapore and across Asia.

To achieve this objective, we bring together top-flight researchers working to unravel the interactions between metabolic disorders and 
cardiovascular diseases, focusing on translational discoveries that can impact clinical care.

CVMD’s Major Research Themes:

1. Complications of Diabetes
Professor Thomas Coffman
Professor Paul Yen
Professor Karl Tryggvason
Associate Professor Jens Titze

2. Metabolism and Diabetes
Professor David Silver
Associate Professor Sun Lei
Assistant Professor Jean Paul Kovalik

3. Cardiovascular Disease
Professor Stuart Cook
Professor Yibin Wang
Professor Derek Hausenloy
Associate Professor Xiaomeng Wang
Assistant Professor Manvendra Singh
Assistant Professor Lena Ho

4. Computational Science
Associate Professor Enrico Petretto
Associate Professor Jacques Behmoaras

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