Centre for Quantitative Medicine

About Us


The Centre for Quantitative Medicine (CQM) serves as the home for biostatistics and related disciplines like epidemiology in Duke-NUS. Biostatistics plays a pivotal role in a broad range of research fields, including medical, biological and health sciences. Statistical analysis of data is essential to derive accurate scientific conclusions from research studies. It is important that clinicians, scientists and other research professionals have a sound grasp of the principles of biostatistics and epidemiology to critically assess scientific and medical literature, and to engage in effective development and evaluation of their own research hypotheses.

CQM was formed to engage in applied biostatistics research, to provide teaching and training in biostatistics and to provide biostatistical support to clinician scientists and other researchers in the SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medicine Centre (AMC).

There are three key activities in CQM:

A. Research
CQM faculty members are engaged in independent research and collaborative research in applied biostatistics. This includes developing and applying for research grants as Principal or Co- Investigator.

B. Education
CQM is involved in mentoring PhD candidates in the PhD Programme in Quantitative Biology and Medicine (QBM) and the 3rd year Medical Students (MS3) who are engaged in clinical/translational research.

C. Biostatistics Service and Support
CQM provides biostatistics services and support on a fee-for-service model. Activities in this area include providing supporting the design, analysis and reporting of research projects for SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC investigators, teaching in the Master of Clinical Investigator programme at the Yong Loo Ling School of Medicine at NUS, conducting statistical workshops, and providing training for the SingHealth Residency Programme.


To be a Centre of Excellence in the Quantitative Sciences, for improving lives through Biomedical Research


To Lead and Support Scientific

Research, Collaboration and

Education in Quantitative 

Sciences to achieve Excellence


22 Mar 2024
Statistical Methods Talk: Analysis of Big Real-World Health Care Data: Promises and Perils
19 Mar 2024
CQM Symposium: A Window into the Invisible: Viruses and Genes at Work
22 Feb 2024
[CQM Seminar Series: Methods in Action] Covariate Adjustment with Missing Outcomes and Covariates

Admin Contact Details


Ms Chio Cheng Zhe, Bernice

DID: 6601 6513
Email: bernice.chio@duke-nus.edu.sg

Ms Sivagami Subramaniam

DID: 6601 6568
Email: siva.subramaniam@duke-nus.edu.sg


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