About CTeD

About CTeD

The Centre for Technology and Development (CTeD) oversees and manages selected intellectual property (IP) generated by researchers and staff at Duke-NUS and works to ensure optimal commercial outcomes for all Duke-NUS inventions.

CTeD connects organisations, technologies and people to facilitate relationship development between all of our stakeholders. Our activities include:

  • IP Strategy Development
  • Lab-Based Validation
  • Project Management
  • Market Analysis
  • Team Building
  • Project Review and Brainstorming
  • Office Space


A sustainable biomedical technology ecosystem in Singapore.


To nurture, develop and commercialise Duke-NUS IP in a "learning-by-doing" model. To facilitate translation of Duke-NUS innovations into commercial application. To train biomedical scientists in technology development and foster a culture of entrepreneurship.

Research Spotlights

Highlights on the work and research from Duke-NUS.

Learn More 

Success Stories

Successful commercialisation of Duke-NUS technologies.

Learn More 

Meet the Team

Meet the fun-loving CTeD team!

Staff Members 

INTANGIBLE: CTeD’s Intellectual Property Digest

A series of newsletters aimed at equipping research staff and students with knowledge on key topics in the areas of intellectual property and commercialisation.

Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5

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