CoRE 5th Anniversary Dinner


CoRE celebrated its 5th anniversary in 2019. Since its inception in November 2014, the centre has been well-placed in a strong network of partners and stakeholders to strengthen capacity and promote excellence in health regulatory and policy systems. This is built on CoRE’s ability to convene key stakeholders in order to advance thought leadership in addressing issues, challenges and fast evolving trends in the biomedical research and healthcare ecosystem.

To commemorate this milestone, CoRE hosted an Anniversary Dinner which was graced by the Guest-of-Honour, Minister for Health, Mr Gan Kim Yong, and together with many of CoRE’s partners, visiting experts, adjunct appointees, and members of steering committees, we celebrated our journey, growth and achievements at CoRE’s 5th Anniversary dinner held on 2nd October 2019 at Regent Hotel, Singapore.

In addition, the centre also celebrated the first graduating cohort of the graduate certificate in pharmaceutical regulation. Graduates received their certificates from Duke-NUS Medical School’s Dean Thomas Coffman and CoRE’s Executive Director Professor John Lim. Congratulations to the inaugural graduating cohort!

It was truly a memorable night of reminiscence, reflection, and rejuvenation. We invite you to enjoy photos and video highlights of the anniversary celebrations below and watch CoRE’s commemorative video to discover the significant moments that have made us who we are today. Enjoy them alongside CoRE’s 5th Anniversary commemorative booklet which showcases the centre’s impact over the years.

As we continue the centre’s ongoing work, we are thankful for your continuous and invaluable support over the years.


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