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Li Jialiang



Contact: 65168932

Professor Jialiang Li obtained his Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics and Masters in Population Health Sciences from The University of Wisconsin Madison. Prof Li has made contributions to statistical methodology in diagnostic medicine, nonparametric regression and personalized medicine. He has also collaborated with medical researchers on projects involving the statistical analysis of medical data sets. Prof Li is an elected-member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and a Fellow of American Statistical Association (ASA). He has served on the editorial board of Biometrics, Lifetime Data Analysis and other journals and has supervised more than 10 PhD students.

Research Interest

His current research interests include Personalized medicine, Diagnostic medicine, Prediction, Smoothing, Statistical learning and Survival analysis.

  1. Li, J., Lv, J., Wan, A.K.T., Liao, J. (2021). AdaBoost semiparametric model averaging prediction for multiple categories. Journal of the American Statistical Association (T&M). Accepted.
  2. Sande, S.Z. [PhD student], Li, J., D’Agostino, R., Wong, T.Y., Cheng, C.Y. (2020). Statistical Inference for Decision Curve Analysis, with Applications to Cataract Diagnosis. Statistics in Medicine. 39(22): 2980 3002.
  3. Li, J., Gao, M., D’Agostino, R. (2019). Evaluating Classification Accuracy for Modern Learning Approaches. Statistics in Medicine (Tutorials in Biostatistics). 38(13): 2477-2503.
  4. Wang, J. [PhD student], Li, J., Li, Y., Wong, W.K. (2019). A model-based multi-threshold method for subgroup identification. Statistics in Medicine. 38(14): 2605-2631.
  5. Li, J., Xia, X., Wong, W.K., Nott, D. (2018). Varying coefficient semiparametric model average prediction. Biometrics. 74, 1417–1426.
  6. Li, J., Jin, B. (2018). Multi-threshold Accelerated Failure Time Model. The Annals of Statistics. 46: 2657-2682.
  7. Yue, M. [PhD Student], Li, J., Ma, S. (2018). Sparse Boosting for High-Dimensional Survival Data with Varying Coefficients. Statistics in Medicine. 37(5): 789-800.
  8. Li, J., Huang, C., Zhu, H. (2017). A Functional Varying-Coefficient Single Index Model for Functional Response Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association (T&M). 112: 1169-1181.
  9. Huang, Z. [PhD student], Li, J., Cheng, C.Y., Cheung, C., Wong, T.Y. (2016). Bayesian reclassification statistics for assessing improvements in diagnostic accuracy. Statistics in Medicine. 35(15): 2574-2592.
  10. Shao, F. [PhD student], Li, J., Ma, S. and Lee, M.-L.T. (2014). Semiparametric Varying-coefficient Model for Interval Censored Data with a Cured proportion. Statistics in Medicine. 33(10): 1700—1712.