Duke-NUS - Core Imaging Facility

Core Imaging Facility



Zeiss LSM 710 Inverted microscope with temperature and CO2 control incubator


  • For fixed and live cells/tissues imaging
  • Objectives: 10x (LD), 20x (LD), 40x (LD), 63x (LD), 40x (oil), 63x (oil) 
  • Temperature control incubator (5% CO2)
  • Laser lines: 405nm, 458nm, 488nm, 514nm, 543nm, 633nm
  • Equipped for spectral imaging from blue to red fluorescence

Zeiss LSM 710 Upright microscope


  • For fixed cells/tissues imaging
  • Objectives: 10x, 20x, 40x (oil), 63x (oil), 100x (oil), 
  • Laser lines: 405nm, 458nm, 488nm, 514nm, 543nm, 633nm
  • Equipped for spectral imaging from blue to red fluorescence




Confocal Microscope Training

The Confocal Micoscope Training is chargeable at SGD170.00 (excluding gst). In addition, the core facility also host cutting edge imaging demo units when available.

Users would be required to possess a valid N3 license.

Confocal Microscope Booking

The usage of confocal microscopes is chargeable at an hourly rate of $25/hour. Cancellation of booking must be done at least 24 hours in advance to avoid incurring the booking charges.  


#09-46, level 9,
Duke-NUS Medical School,
8 college road,

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