Duke-NUS Clinical and Translational Sciences Medical PhD frequently asked questions FAQ

Am I able to apply and accept without formal written endorsement from my HOD or HR?

Yes, you are able to do so as you are applying in your individual capacities.   But during the interviews, the committee will always advises you to have a discussion  with your HOD/employer (if any) to 1) seek their approval, 2) see how you will be able to handle their clinical workload for the duration of the PhD 3)  and the career pathways that you will have after graduation. Some applicants are from overseas or from outside of Singhealth.

For full time course how did the institutions/departments support their staff for this programme?
They need to work out a solution with their department.  Some HOD allow candidates to take un-recorded time off to attend classes.  Some candidates fulfill the FTE obligation eg work on weekends or to discuss reduction of the FTE

Is it possible for candidates to do a part time course without affecting their clinical commitment?
Yes, it is possible. The usual scenario is that they will arrange their clinical rotation according to the courses that they are taking for that semester (usually only ½ day per week).  For week-long sessions, they apply for leave etc.

Is it possible for a candidate with no medical training background to join the programme?
Yes, it is possible. Please kindly contact Jo at jo.quek@duke-nus.edu.sg to see how it can be done.

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