Master of International Translational Medicine



Semester 1

Semester 2

Year 1


Translational Medicine: From Unmet Need to Cure


From Need to Target


From Target to Treatment


De-risking Discoveries

Year 2


Entrepreneurship for TM Researchers


International Networking – Eureka Monsoon Certificate Course in Translational Medicine


One 4 credit course to be selected from existing Duke-NUS graduate school offerings, tailored to one’s own interests.



GMS5801: Translational Medicine: From Unmet Need to Cure
Delivered In-Person over 1 week in August

This foundational course explores the challenges faced by key stakeholders along the Translational Medicine continuum (including patients, epidemiologists / data scientists, basic scientists, clinician scientists, entrepreneurs, investors, and regulators, etc.) by examining real-life case-studies representing the barriers that each face in their quest to develop a solution for an unmet health care need.

GMS5802: From Need to Target
Delivered Virtually, Aug-Nov, weekly (6:30-9:30pm)

This course focuses on harnessing technology to identify therapeutic targets.  Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Genomics, and Machine Learning have reshaped the ways in which potential therapeutic targets are identified.  Topics will include the drug discovery process from computer modeling to clinical application, resistance mechanisms, pharmacogenomics of hosts that determine sensitivity to drugs, gene therapy strategies and limitations. 

GMS5803: From Target to Treatment
Delivered Virtually, Jan-Apr, weekly (6:30-9:30pm)

In this course, students will be exposed to the clinical development process including exploration of the design, analysis, and ethical issues related to establishing causal relationships between treatments and effects in patients.

GMS5804: De-Risking Discoveries
Delivered In-Person over 1 week in January

In this course, students will explore the types of risks encountered in the TM continuum and the implications for patients, researchers, funders, and society.  Strategies for reducing risks will be examined through case-based analyses.

GMS5805: Entrepreneurship for Translational Medicine Researchers
Delivered Virtually, Aug-Nov, weekly (6:30-9:30pm)

This course will expose students to key issues related to the profitability of discovery, including: protecting intellectual property, working with industry partners, and seeking and accepting funding to develop businesses.  

GMS5806: International Networking – Eureka Monsoon Certificate Course in Translational Medicine
Delivered In-Person over 1 week in November

Immerse yourself in a week-long intensive program at the Eureka Institute’s Monsoon Certificate Course, where students will participate in personal and professional development activities required for succeeding as leaders in TM endeavours, as well as dive deeper into TM case studies as they engage with researchers, policy makers, financiers, technologists, and other scholars to explore the business, scientific, and regulatory aspects of TM while building their network of potential local and international collaborators.

GMS5849: Thesis
In this course, students produce a thesis after conducting an academic, scholarly project that demonstrates their mastery of the core content of the MITM.  The thesis includes a comprehensive synthesis and review of the literature related to the topic, discussion of the significance and potential impact of a focused question, the methods and measures used to address the question, the results and discussion of those results taking into account their strengths and limitations, how they fit with and extend existing knowledge, implications for future practice, and the next steps to be taken as a result of this activity.


The elective can be selected from one of the following four-credit courses

1. Duke-NUS Certificate in Health Services Innovation Courses:
GMS5201: Implementation Science for Health Services
GMS5203: Health Technology Assessment, Cost-Effectiveness and Decision-Making
GMS5204: Data Science & Healthcare

2. Duke-NUS PhD in Clinical Sciences:
GMS6813:  Biostatistics for Clinical Research
GMS6812:  Principles of Precision Medicine


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